Customer Experience Leaders – Watch Decware for high customer advocacy

Date Posted: 10/27/2024
Decware consumer specialty audio hardware tube amplifier

Decware is one to watch for customer experience and high customer advocacy.

Decware, named after its founder Steve Deckert, is a small company that serves a competitive consumer specialty audio market with hardware solely developed and supported at its facility in Illinois.

Decware has an estimated active customer advocacy rate of 40% to 50%. The company had not advertised since its founding in 1996 until it made its main product available to a few professional reviewers because of its potential sales concerns during the pandemic.

It was an informative and positive review by long-time industry expert Steve Guttenberg on his YouTube Audiophiliac show that created over a one-year plus waiting period for orders of Decware’s high-quality products during the first year of the pandemic and onward. In turn, this motivated many other reviewers and owners, audio professionals and amateurs to do their own reviews.

The specific orders on Decware’s web site wait list include their configuration, option choices, build status and target delivery date. This real-time listing can be viewed by prospective customers and those who are anticipating their ordered products. The company is purposely not scaling up unnecessarily and focusing on product quality, customer and user experience.

The high customer advocacy rate includes Decware customers supporting other customers with videos, articles and text in forums, much like what happens at larger customer experience leaders like Intuit and ServiceNow.

Support costs are also in-check by providing well-tested and well-built products. This allows Decware a strong ‘better and different’ for customers in this market with its lifetime warranty. This is especially important for the people of generation Z who helping to drive the resurgence in vinyl album sales. One of several demand creators for the kinds of products that Decware and others offer.

Price competitiveness is bolstered by direct distribution to customers. This keeps the price / value relationship competitive worldwide. It also keeps the team at Decware close to their present and future customers. Customer and user experience intelligence is ongoing directly and indirectly. It is an integral part of new product development, user experience and product improvements (an integral part of the culture of Decware).

I keep Decware on my Ones-to-Watch list since companies of all sizes and in many markets can learn from the Decware example. Particularly in product development and customer and user experience.

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